Monday, September 27, 2010

I Do This Weekend;)

What I did this weekend is not that interesting.On friday, I woke up and felt sick,I woke up at 6:30 in the morning.Then I went to play TENNIS with my mom at 6:50,but I'm not that really good like my mom.We went home and I was so hungry,that I went to the kitchen and cook me something to eat.Then my dad came to visit us,he was there for a little while with us and then left.Then I went to watch TV or to listen to the radio.Then I went to bed like at 10:00.

   On saturday, I got up and ate breakfast and I got on my mom's computer to listen to music and watch the videos or the lyrics.I was on the computer for a long time,then my eyes started to hurt.Then I went to see my dogs and my cats to give them water and food if they needed some.Then I talked to my dad if he was going to come,because I needed some stuff like food that I wanted.Around 6:30 to pick me up to get the food that I asked him for.Then we went to the store me and my dad,we went to get lots of stuff.Then at the store I saw my neighbor with her kids.Then we went back home and I started to watch my favorite show that I don't never want to miss.From that I went to eat dinner and then go to bed at 11:30.

     On sunday,I woke up at 10:20,I went to eat breakfast.I was texting three people around 12 or1:30 in the day.I was on the computer doing homework and meanwhile I was listening to music on YOUTUBE,so I could consintrate on my homework.Iwent to the store at night with my mom and my brother Allan to go buy him a pjamas for today in school.We went to wal-mart and to albertsons,we came back home around 11:00 at night.One of my friends texted me at that time at night,and to not be RUDE I texted him.That was all I did this weekend I KNOW IT'S BORING MY WEEKEND RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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